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Very cool, I got stuck at the start because I didn't read the tutorial but that's on me for being illiterate.


Very cool idea! But there are some points that prevent you from getting a good gaming experience. I would make the tips green, at the bottom, add animations and sound (at least the sound of typing or something). It is best at the initial stage that the tips do not disappear at all. Lifting and interacting with objects I would do with one key - better with the left mouse button. Also, I would not give the task to try the same items on each task. It is better then to make them of different shapes - so you can guess which item you need to take. The player lacks motivation. You have to either limit the time - to get out for a certain period of time - or you will die, or bring something - so that others do not die, or something like that. Thank you for participating in the jam!